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UMH radio


Entry Profile

The entry profile of the Master's Degree in Human Resources, Work and Organisational Management at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche is broad because the professional opportunities cover all types of organisations: private companies, public administrations, non-profit organisations and self-employment. Students may be admitted to MARHTO in accordance with the specific requirements y merit assessment criteria which are a combination of those specific to this Master's degree and those established by the Miguel Hernández University.

Preference will be given to those studies that are directly related to those offered in the Master's programme. We would also like to highlight the importance of the letter of motivation and the curriculum vitae included in the application form. Preference will be given to students who have previously completed a degree in: Psychology, Labour Sciences, Business Administration and Management, Economics, Law, Engineering, Labour Relations, Public Administration Management, etc. The Selection and Evaluation Committee may admit students from other degrees who wish to take the Master's Degree. Therefore, as mentioned above, the motivation letter and CV of prospective students will be taken into account.

The race of origin is not a determining factor in the positions they will hold in the future because the contents of MARHTO are transversal to different jobs and areas of work. Occupational health, human resource management, organisational psychology and occupational risk prevention, among other subjects covered in the master's degree, are necessary and beneficial in different fields and at different levels of work. This makes the Master's Degree in Human Resources, Work and Organisational Management a very versatile degree.

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